Got a question? Call us on (312) 927-0852

Order a Smoover in a few easy steps

Order online or call

Browse our range of Smoover packages to see what fits your needs, then order online or call us today!

We Deliver

You only need to schedule a pickup and drop – we do the rest, right from your doorstep!

You pack & move

Go ahead and move to your new home, either DIY or hire movers and packers.

We pick up

Once your move is complete, we pick up the boxes and assess them to ensure they are cleaned and sanitized, before renting out to our next client.

* Free delivery and pickup requires you to be in our free service area and be on ground level.

What’s special about smoover?

You can rest easy knowing that Smoovers are a tried and tested solution that will keep your wallet and the environment happy.

Still not sure about using Smoover for your next move? Here’s why you should ditch cardboard boxes:

You can enjoy on-time delivery of Smoovers at your location

When you’re done, we pick up Smoovers from your new home

No more worrying about finances when you plan the next move

More spacious than a pile of carboard boxes

Smoovers can withstand the elements – it’s waterproof!

Only 100% recycled plastic used to create every Smoovers

Why Smoovers are better than cardboard

Our Delivery & Pickup Locations

We have delivery and pickup locations spread across Chicago.

  • CHI – Albany Park
  • CHI – Archer Heights
  • CHI – Armour Square
  • CHI – Ashburn
  • CHI – Auburn Gresham
  • CHI – Austin
  • CHI – Avalon Park
  • CHI – Avondale
  • CHI – Belmont Cragin
  • CHI – Beverly
  • CHI – Bridgeport
  • CHI – Brighton Park
  • CHI – Burnside
  • CHI – Calumet Heights
  • CHI – Chatham
  • CHI – Chicago Lawn
  • CHI – Clearing
  • CHI – Douglas
  • CHI – Dunning
  • CHI – East Garfield Park
  • CHI – East Side
  • CHI – Edgewater
  • CHI – Edison Park
  • CHI – Englewood
  • CHI – Forest Glen
  • CHI – Fuller Park
  • CHI – Gage Park
  • CHI – Garfield Ridge
  • CHI – Grand Boulevard
  • CHI – Greater Grand Crossing
  • CHI – Hegewisch
  • CHI – Hermosa
  • CHI – Humboldt Park
  • CHI – Hyde Park
  • CHI – Irving Park
  • CHI – Jefferson Park
  • CHI – Kenwood
  • CHI – Lake View
  • CHI – Lincoln Park
  • CHI – Lincoln Square
  • CHI – Logan Square
  • CHI – Loop
  • CHI – Lower West Side
  • CHI – McKinley Park
  • CHI – Montclare
  • CHI – Morgan Park
  • CHI – Mount Greenwood
  • CHI – Near North Side
  • CHI – Near South Side
  • CHI – Near West Side
  • CHI – New City
  • CHI – North Center
  • CHI – North Lawndale
  • CHI – North Park
  • CHI – Norwood Park
  • CHI – O’Hare
  • CHI – Oakland
  • CHI – Portage Park
  • CHI – Pullman
  • CHI – Riverdale
  • CHI – Rogers Park
  • CHI – Roseland
  • CHI – South Chicago
  • CHI – South Deering
  • CHI – South Lawndale
  • CHI – South Shore
  • CHI – Uptown
  • CHI – Washington Heights
  • CHI – Washington Park
  • CHI – West Elsdon
  • CHI – West Englewood
  • CHI – West Garfield Park
  • CHI – West Lawn
  • CHI – West Pullman
  • CHI – West Ridge
  • CHI – West Town
  • CHI – Woodlawn